Thanks for taking the time to have a look around, I can't promise anything spectacular on here, but if you would like to know more about how this hobby turned into a business, read into it a bit more below.
We have been friends for well over a decade, I think it's safe to say we are both pretty competitive, and having another reliable player on your team was pretty much the main reason for us chatting so much. Whether it be talking tactics over how to complete a raid in Destiny, spur of the moment shouts about incoming in PUBG or working out 2v2 Arena compositions in Warcraft, we always found a game to play and a way to push it to it's limits for our competitive gain. Both of us remember getting our first exposure to Warhammer 40k in school, it was the typical story, one kid brings a couple of Space Marines into school and then all of a sudden you have an avalanche of kids at the toy shop all wanting them. Little did we all know that you had to chop these things up from bits of plastic, glue them together and then paint them. This led to many weekends in some dungeon of a shop either watching or playing.
So roll forward 10 years, lots of polystyrene, PVA, cardboard, biscuit tins and many other intuitive ways of creating some form of Warhammer terrain, 3D printing has become accessible to many and we decide to invest in our own. Starting out with a small desktop open 3D filament printer progressing through various iterations with our largest printer now being around 30cm in each direction, all for the purpose of building awesome terrain.
3D filament printing has been great for our terrain boards, but we have never used it for making custom minis, the main reason being that we are both sticklers for details in everything, and 3D printing is no different. But in order to create the custom levels of additional details in our Warhammer bases, and in some respects adding additional equipment to models, we took the decision to venture into 3D resin printing.
3D resin printing has allowed us to create some truly unique bases to a higher level of detail than is possible normally, or with filament printing. We have been working with resin for going on 3 years now and have dialed our processes to be able to create prints of a fantastic quality in all shapes and sizes.
Owner - All Round Geek
Relevant Experience6+ Years - Professionally producing 3D printed rapid prototypes for injection moulding
10+ Years - 3d Printing Hobbyist
Owner - Resident Artist
Relevant Experience10+ Years - 3d Printing Hobbyist